
Marketing Budget: How Much Should Your Team Spend in 2023?

The year 2021 was a catch-up for all the companies after the pandemic that thwarted most of our marketing efforts. Organizations were busy preparing for digital transformation. 2022 is a year that gave direction to the marketing team on what works and what brings profits. Companies managed the supply chain challenges and organized their cash flows. The right time has come when you can start preparing the budget for next year. Market budget planning is a very organized process where you have to consider several elements. A complete picture would be required for the entire year. 

What to Include in the Marketing Budget?

The inclusion of digital marketing has changed the conventional estimation pattern. The number of marketing channels has increased, and the expenses must be divided into many streams. Here are some of the marketing components that you can divide your marketing expenses into:

  • Direct marketing 
  • Social media marketing
  • Branding-related expenses
  • Marketers and marketing employees
  • Marketing analytics and research
  • Overhead cost
  • Mobile Marketing 
  • Training

The percentage of expenditure can be highest for the first two and decrease as we go down the list. You should be aware that a more portion of the cost will go toward digital marketing. The digital and offline spending has come down to having an equitable split in the marketing budget.

Tips for Creating a Marketing Budget

1. Understand the customer journey

How your customers come down to purchasing your product is crucial for deciding the components you need to spend on. Customer journey varies for every company. Chalk out how your customer finds out about your products and what compels them to make purchases. Make the budget accordingly. 

2. Hire experts

You may have multiple products under your hat, and taking care of the entire marketing may be a tedious job. This is where the marketing agency comes into the picture. Hire a marketing agency to chalk the customer journey and create a budget for you. They can do precise marketing for you. So, you should assess the results of the marketing campaigns and focus on improving your products. An in-house team for marketing is also a good option you can go for. 

3. Work on the content

Churning out unique content every week can turn out to be very expensive. Try to repurpose and update the available content with SEO implementation to stay updated and relevant. In this way, you can market your products several times. 

4. Re-evaluate marketing strategy

Use analytics services to evaluate your marketing strategies. Revive or eliminate the underperforming marketing components and invest in the details that bring you benefits. 


Preparing the marketing budget can give you useful insight into your annual expenses. Hire marketing agencies to get the best results for marketing. Allocate a significant share to digital marketing to accommodate the maximum number of online customers in 2023. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q.1. How is the digital marketing budget allocated?

A. B2B product industries allocate, on average, roughly 7.8% of revenue to marketing. This is similar to B2C services (6.5%) and B2B services (5.9%). B2C Product allocates the highest amount at 15.1% of total revenue.

Q.2. What marketing budgets look like in 2022?

A. Marketing budgets have increased to 9.5 percent of overall company revenue in 2022, up from 6.4 percent in 2021

Q.3. What are 2022 marketing trends?

A. The major trends for advertising for 2022 include met-averse marketing, social media, and content marketing including live content and short-form videos, etc.

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