
Drive Your Business Sales With These 7 Best Lead Generation Tactics in 2019

Getting the right kind of leads is the goal of each business at the end of the day. And your website is one of the most important spaces where you can show who you are and get the leads you want. Whether people are driven using organic SEO services, you are paying per click, or you are redirecting through your social media channels, your website is going to be the final hook for selling your products or services.

Lead Generation Tactics:

So, when people are finally on your website, it is imperative to place the right kind of call to action that gets you the potential customers or clients. If you are looking for ways to generate leads that actually provide conversion rate optimization, you have landed at the right place! We have articulated 7 best ways to generate better business leads through your website. Read on to know which ones you can implement for your website;

lead generation

1. Creating a Detailed Enquiry Form:

The form that asks people to leave their information must not be mundane. This said, you might have observed that the majority of websites have the same set of fields to ask for information from their visitors. But remember, the more you customize and keep it unique to your own business, the better it is to attract leads.

Why would anyone give their information to you just like that? So, make it a point to give some basic information from your end;

  • What’s in store for the ones who will sign up?
  • What’s the cost of what you will be providing?
  • How are you different from the rest of the market?

Such interactive forms will enable you to entice your audience and get you the leads that actually convert.

2. Have a Home Page that Hooks your Visitors:

How the visitors interact right from your home page will serve as a deciding factor of whether they like your website or not. There is a very short window that is available when people visit your website, and you must make sure they stay put right there!

But here is something interesting you can do to reduce the bouncing rate apart from getting leads:

  • Be concise about what you do and how you are different in the first place.
  • Create Welcome Gates, letting the visitors know about special offers or your services.
  • Navigate the users towards the pages on the website which have clearly defined CTAs.
  • Ask questions regarding your services that they are intending to find out or use and then collect information or redirect as per the question.

Alternately, videos can be made to capture the attention of visitors. As per a study by Wyzowl, out of those visiting your website, 72% of those checking out the video on your page are most likely to ignore it if the same information is given in the form of words.

3. Have Banners on your Home Page:

People like to see those colorful images and witty taglines! Keep them coming on your home page by having multiple banners display what you deliver or whom you deliver it to. Keep changing those banner images time and again with the right kind of messages regarding your services.

Having such moving content will grab the attention of the people visiting your website and if some of them happen to be interested in your services, they are bound to stay a bit longer and who knows might also become a useful lead!

4. Use Live Chat or Employ Chatbots:

Nothing can beat the effect of talking directly with your customers. Apart from providing good customer services, live chats enable your clients and customers to trust more on your brand, thereby inclining their loyalty towards you.

Use Live Chat on your website to make your customers stay longer and for conversion rate optimization. Live chats help to know the queries of the visitors and you can provide viable solutions through what you have to offer thereby getting leads. You can also employ smart Chatbots to be there for your potential leads 24*7.

5. Give them Something Irresistible before they Leave:

The visitor has reached so far that means they are interested in what you offer but they are still thinking over it. Just when they are about to leave your website and dive onto your competitors, give them something that they can’t resist. This is the key to getting their total attention.

Keep labels that make your visitors curious and they won’t leave without clicking and giving away the much-wanted email address. Use exit-intent triggers to generate the right kind of pop-up messages that serve as a perfect hook!

6. Keep Exclusive Content for Those Who Sign-Up:

A strategy that has been proven to be impactful is content gating. In this, you keep certain content accessible exclusively to only those who sign up. If you are providing quality content that is actually helping people, they will happily agree to sign up to get the maximum out of it.

You can provide a valuable piece of content for free, and to get the full module, tell people to enroll for the whole version. This works only when you have something truly useful to offer and that something is not available or accessible anywhere else.

7. Prepare Strategies that Target the Scarcity and Urgency in People:

People tend to respond quickly when faced with urgency and scarcity. We have a tendency to feel that we are missing out on something when we see that clock ticking or the days going.

While people are visiting your website, use timers to show that your special offers are available for a limited time only. This will incite those much-required reflexes, be it a limited time or limited stock availability.

You can generate better leads by

  • Keeping short taglines that make people feel the urgency
  • Using pop-up messages to inform visitors about your limited time or limited stock offers
  • Popping messages just before the user is about to leave the website with the help of exit-intent triggers

Wrap Up:

The more you optimize your website for lead generation, the better your chances for higher conversion rates, which leads to potential clients and customers, thereby thriving your business. Try implementing the above-mentioned lead generation tactics and see the difference it makes in the way your sales go up!

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